Ruger The Rude Dog
When Jason Stevens is given a 184 lb St Bernard for his birthday his roommates obtain fake on line certificates for Ruger as a service and a rescue dog. Jason takes him everywhere and they get kicked out of every location. When Ruger gets loose at the big soccer game and The Redding Royals loose Jason is devastated. Ruger’s help is suddenly needed to find a lost child. When Jason and Ruger arrive on Mt. Shasta Ruger gets loose. Will Jason find Ruger? Will Ruger find the lost boy? Is he the worlds worst Service Dog or is he the worlds best Rescue Dog ?
Roger Slagle

About Director Roger Slagle, MFA MSW

All aspects of Indie Film, Pre-Production, Production, Post-Production, Writing, Directing, and Producing. “I am best at starting a project and following it through to completion. Director / Screenwriter: Award winning and still going. His Indie Film works include: The Legend of Buffalo Calf Girl, screened with an Honorable Mention at the San Francisco American Indian Film Festival, 2009. Buffalo WON the Denali Award at the Alaskan Film Festival, 2010 and an Experimental Film Award at the Sundial Film Festival 2008. KARMA, was an All Star winner at the Sacramento Film Festival in 2010. KARMA has been screened at the San Francisco Black Film Festival and the prestigious So-Cal Film Festival at Huntington Beach Ca. Nathan’s Story, is about a returning American Veteran from the war in Afghanistan. Nathans’ Story won won top honors as Best Narrative film of The Sundial Film Festival 2011. Sense completion of the feature film, The Secret of Wilson Hill Roger has completed numerous other films currently in or not in the public domain. The 40 Min film, Sparrow Hawk was completed in 2015… a Native American Community film about teenagers involved in a motor bike accident and their eventual coping skills and growth after the incident. In 2015 work began on the feature film DIVIA which is written, directed and produced by Roger Slagle. Divia is a powerful film about the forgotten children of India. It was filmed in Central India and Northern California USA and brings to light how South Asian children are tricked into coming to the west. And their fate at the hands of the international crime cartels involved in human trafficking. Divia is completed and it is currently moving into the Film Festivals internationally. Divia is a Narrative feature film, presented in Hindi, Spanish and English with English Subtitles. The Music score for Divia was produced by Rohit Tak in Jodhpur Rajasthan and Ian Hughes in Liverpool England. Roger has completed the monumental task of writing a screenplay about the life of “Hollywood’s own”, Bernie Brillstein. It is 274 pgs and was read personally by Ron Meyer CEO of NBC-Universal. In a phone call from Mr. Meyer (to Roger) he stated that that Bernie would have loved reading it. This work is titled: “Now Let Me Tell You The Truth About These Assholes, The Story of Bernie Brillstein.” Roger has lived in Gujarat India and also remote Bush Alaska where he worked as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. While in Alaska he mushed dogs and qualified for the Iditarod in 1999. But he was unable to run The Great Race because a Grizzly Bear came through his dog lot a few months before resulting in many sled dogs being killed. He subsequently wrote a detailed Manuscript about Bush Alaska titled: UP RIVER which he also illustrated, 240 pgs. Indexed and Glossary. Up River was subsequently written into a screenplay in 2004. Up River was later entered into the Alaskan film festival where it won the Denali award as best Alaska screenplay in 2012. The UP RIVER manuscript is currently unpublished. A film company in Canada near Toronto in Perry Sound has read both the Manuscript and screenplay and they are now considering it as a future feature film production. Burn Over is a feature screenplay that Roger wrote in 2013. Burn Over is currently in Pre-production in Canada and is owned by a film company near Toronto in Perry Sound. This is n action packed feature film about thrill seekers and a monster wildfire burning through a mountain community. Roger is currently writing a screenplay which is about a St. Bernard named Ruger… titled, Rude Dog. He breeds St. Bernard’s on his ranch in Northern California and is writing it in a manner as to represent the breed in a realistic manner and not the anthropomorphized dog of the previous series of films produced about St. Bernards. And yes, he owns a 184 lb St. Bernard named Ruger. Once completed as a screenplay it is anticipated a very funny feature film will be shot in 2017. Roger has a vast number of completed screenplays of many Genre’s in his hard drive. He writes every morning. Education: BA in Sociology, BA in Art … (MSW) Masters in Social Work, (MFA) Masters in Art… Advanced two year Masters Professional Credential in Screenwriting UCLA School of Film and Television Professionals Program. Roger is fluent in the Spanish Language and is at conversational, reading and writing level in Hindi. Roger Slagle, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Board of Behavioral Sciences Examiners, California. # LCSW10885, (current). References: Trevor Hughes, CEO and international film maker; Winner of the New York Film Festival 2010 wrote…”Roger is a special person if you’ve not worked with him you will then only find out. Roger not only writes with his heart. He is a Director who directs from his heart. This gives him a place in my heart. To know Roger is a honor. I was pleased when Frame On Frame became connected even more when I was asked to be Director of Photography on his film, The Secret Of Wilson Hill. Looking forward to the next film Roger… Get writing! ·March 10, 2011 London, UK. Debe’ Scott, Professional Screenwriter, screenplay reader and noted author wrote… “Having read, Adams’ Story, It’s Real Time T.V., Lucky and The Secret of Wilson Mill. I have come to the conclusion that, You Sir; are among the best screenwriters in the business, Debe’ Scott Cambridge, UK. · Dr. Lew Hunter, Dean emeritus, Professor, UCLA School of Film and Television, wrote about the screenplay Chasing Time(2010), “Excellent Roger! Very funny, really enjoyed it!! Nothing but good to say!! Write On dear Roger.”